​​"Three-horned Face"

Triceratops was a slow-moving herbivore that used its beak-like jaw to pick and chew tough plants that other dinosaurs couldn’t eat. It roamed North America about 69 million years ago.  The horns could have been used to fend off attacks from Tyrannosaurus and to fight each other, probably to impress females.  

Triceratops was a massive animal, comparable in size to an African elephant.  It grew up to 30 feet and weighed well over 11,000 lbs.

Brachiosaurus is a dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic, about 156–145 million years ago.   It’s part of the sauropod family who are huge plant-eaters with long necks, long tails, and stand on four legs.  With long front legs and shorter rear legs, Brachiosaurus was built to feed high in trees.  Brachiosaurus is one of the biggest animals that’s ever walked the planet.  It grew over 80 feet long and weighed more than 28 tons—that’s about as heavy as four African elephants! 

Unlike shown in the Jurassic Park movies, Velociraptors only grew up to 100 pounds, about the size of a wolf.   Experts think Velociraptor was one of the smarter dinosaurs because it has a large brain and had an excellent sense of smell.

Living about 70 million years ago, Velociraptors probably fed mostly on small lizards, mammals, and even baby dinosaurs and eggs.  Although their sharp teeth and grabbing hands were certainly unpleasant, their main weapons were the single, curved, 3-inch-long claws on each of its back feet, which it used to slash and stab prey.

Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the most ferocious predators to ever walk the Earth. With a massive body, 60 saw-edged, bone-crushing, pointed teeth, and jaws so powerful they could crush a car, this famous carnivore dominated Canada and United States of America 68 million years ago.  Tyrannosaurus would have used its good sense of smell to hunt live prey and locate dead bodies to scavenge. It would have been able to scare off any other scavengers, so it didn't have to share!

Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that dominated the land for over 140 million years (more than 160 million years in some parts of the world). They evolved diverse shapes and sizes, from the fearsome giant Spinosaurus to the chicken-sized Microraptor, and were able to survive in a variety of ecosystems

A large, slow moving plant-eater, Stegosaurus would have defended itself from predators with its powerful spiked tail.  It was about the length of a bus and weighed almost 14,000 pounds.  But this enormous animal had a brain that was only a little bit larger than a walnut.  Scientists still aren't sure why Stegosaurus had its plates.


"The Tyrant King"


​​​"Speedy Thief"


​​"Arm Lizard"


"The Roof Lizard"